Never lose track of your spending on the road. Log your daily expenses and income effortlessly, ensuring every penny is accounted for wherever your travels take you.
Expense & Income Tracker
Keep a record of your daily transactions on the go.Custom Currency
Choose your preferred currency for accurate tracking.Stay informed about your financial health even while traveling. Access insightful financial reports that provide valuable insights into your spending patterns and habits.
Financial Reports
Get detailed and insightful financial reports wherever you are.Visual Summaries
Easily visualize your financial situation with charts and graphs.Turn your travel dreams into reality by setting and tracking savings goals. Whether it's for your next trip or a future adventure, stay motivated to save with our goal-tracking feature.
Savings Goals
Set, track, and achieve your travel savings targets.Progress Tracker
Monitor your savings progress and stay on track.Keep your finances organized even while traveling. Record personal debts and repayments effortlessly, ensuring you stay on top of your financial commitments.
Debt Management
Easily manage personal debts, whether giving or borrowing money.Reminder Information
Get reminders for debt repayments and dues.Travel with peace of mind knowing your financial data is secure. Back up your financial records to your cloud, ensuring you never lose important information.
Backup to Cloud
Securely store your financial data in the cloud for easy access and peace of mind.Navigate the app with ease, even while on the move. Our user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience for managing your finances wherever you go.
User-Friendly UI
Enjoy a clean and intuitive interface designed for ease of use.Daily Financial Reminders
Stay on top of your finances with daily reminders to input transactions.